The investment made in B activities is recaptured, along with an aggressive internal rate of return, through improved productivity in the A activity. If investments in R&D, IT infrastructure, and other dimensions of the B activity are effective, the rate of return for a dollar invested in the B activity will be higher than for a dollar invested in the A activity.
Clearly, there are limits to how far a company can pursue an investment and growth strategy based on type B activities – at some point the marginal returns for new investment begin to fall off. This leads to a question: How can we maximize the return from investment in B activities, maximizing the improvement that they enable?
Put another way, we are asking how we improve our ability to improve. This question suggests that we really need to think in terms of yet another level of activity – I call it the "C" activity – that focuses specifically on the matter of accelerating the rate of improvement. Figure 2 shows what I mean.
Clearly, investment in type C activities is potentially highly leveraged. The right investments here will be multiplied in returns in increased B level productivity – in the ability to improve – which will be multiplied again in returns in productivity in the organization's primary activity. It is a way of getting a kind of compound return on investment in innovation.
The highly leveraged nature of investment in type C activities make this kind of investment in innovation particularly appropriate for governments, public service institutions such as libraries, and broad consortia of different companies and agencies across an entire industry. The reason for this is not only that a small investment here can make a big difference - though that certainly is an important consideration – but also because the investment in C activities is typically pre-competitive. It is investment that can be shared even among competitors in an industry because it is, essentially, investment in creating a better playing field. Perhaps the classic recent example of such investment in the U.S. is the relatively small investment that the Department of Defense made in what eventually became the Internet.
Another example, looking to the private sector, is the investment that companies made in improving product and process quality as they joined in the quality movement. What was particularly important about this investment was that, when it came to ISO 9000 compliance and other quality programs and measures, companies – even competing companies – joined together in industry consortia to develop benchmarks and standards. They even shared knowledge about quality programs. What emerged from this collaborative activity at the C level was significant gain for individual companies at the B and A levels. When you are operating at the C level, collaboration can produce much larger returns than competition.