CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:30 UTC
user-profile created by CE 2024-03-12 - 08:30 PDT
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:31 UTC
Users are supplied with a Profile file to set and edit preferences.
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 16:06 UTC
The Profile file is read automatically when user logs in, and read again during the session using the Set Profile command..
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 16:08 UTC
BASE C: Set Profile (from) C: File (at) M/T: profile,
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:32 UTC
DIRECTORY-CLUSTERS used by Show Directory Command
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:33 UTC
Specifies how the Show directory command will arrange the directory listings, including:
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:34 UTC
- Categories for grouping the directory listings, supplied by the user
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:36 UTC
- Which directories to include in each Category
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:38 UTC
For example:
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:39 UTC
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 17:58 UTC
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:39 UTC
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:39 UTC
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:39 UTC
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 15:43 UTC
This example sets three categories of the user's choice - COMMONS, JOURNAL, and USERS - in that order, specifying the directories to be listed under each. Text preceeding the colon ":" is entirely of the user's choosing. Text following the colon ":" must spell the directory names correctly, using uppercase letters, separated by comma "," with optional space(s).
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 17:50 UTC
Note that Categories are optional. If omitted, the directories will appear in alphabetical order. Both COMMONS and JOURNAL are recommended as a minimum - or some variation, for example USER COMMONS, JOURNAL LIBRARY, ...
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 17:55 UTC
Directories not included under a category will be listed after any categories.
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 16:39 UTC
FONTS used to display files and file attributes in windows
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 16:39 UTC
Specifies font-family, font-size, and color for text displayed in file window(s), and for special attributes such as Purple Numbers, anchor names, and timestamps Statement Signatures ,
CE CE 2024-03-12 - 18:08 UTC