CE CE 2024-02-25 - 15:33 UTC
system-specs created by CE 2024-02-25 - 07:33 PST
CE CE 2024-02-25 - 15:34 UTC
Where I'm writing up how things worked in Augment
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:15 UTC
Origin Statement is the first statement of every file, containing Info on that file, in the form:
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:16 UTC
< DIRECTORY, FILENAME.AUG;#V#, >, DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM IDENT ;;;; whatever user stuff
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:50 UTC
Everything through the ";;;;" is supplied by and maintained by the System - if user mucks with it the system reclaims it on the next update. User can add whatever they want after the ";;;;"
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 18:39 UTC
What users REALLY wanted there instead of the file Info was the full document Title. I always wished for a viewspec too hide that stuff from normal view. Nowadays with file info in the window top bar, maybe all we need is a Show File (info) command and let the user have the whole statement for the Title and/or whatever else they want. As a minimum to be able to insert free text ending with some delimiter BEFORE the "<" so viewspec t still shows the document Title
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 18:02 UTC
Files marked Private in Augment could include an access list of IDENTS -- something like AccessList: IDENT1 IDENT2; ending in semicolon presumably immediately after the ";;;;" the IDENTs can be a mix of indivudual, role, or group IDENTs -- has no effect unless file is also marked Private -- Ref: Tutor4
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:20 UTC
"AUG" is for the file type, in this case an Augment file, could be .TXT or other (somewhere I'm sure there's a list)
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:38 UTC
#V# is for version number - beginning with 1 and incremented on each Update command, excepting the Update Old command which overwrote the version you were editing and retained its version number. Normal updates created new version, keeping just one prior (because space was always super tight, the version prior to that was deleted automatically). This allowed looking back at earlier versions combined with SIDs, Statement Numbers, and and Statement Signatures could afford very precise version history to the statement, as to what changed, by whom, and when, including moved statements and changes in the outline.
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:23 UTC
Time of day is 24-hour 'military time' - pretty sure they added a time zone with that
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:25 UTC
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:47 UTC
";;;;" four commas marked the official ending of the system-controlled portion
CE CE 2024-02-25 - 15:53 UTC
Journal Files - the Journal facility automatically tacked on Catalog fields after ";;;;" such as Author IDENTS, date and title of submission, some print directives to ensure that info would print top of each page above any page headers set by the Author, plus presumably any other fields such as supercessions, part-of, replies-to -- Ref: find "xjournal" in
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 18:00 UTC
User might add typically a short note about this file, like "For internal use only" or "Incorporates all changes from our 1/2/23 meeting" and/or printing directives pertaining to overall document layout, and/or often would add the full title of the document so that statement 1 would be like INTRODUCTION -- we always wanted a viewspec to hide the system-info part of the Oriign Statement
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 17:29 UTC
IDENTS - an IDENT is a handle in the system - for individuals, roles, and groups
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 18:06 UTC
Individual User - an IDENT is typically the user's 3-letter initials. New users whose initials were already taken would get a numeric added to their initials (jokes aside about Tom Lehrer's "HEN3RY" where the "3" is silent) . We had just a few exceptions CE for Christina (NMI) Engelbart, THOM for Thomas R. Davis who did not want his full initials used, maybe one other out of 100s separate from their username, length
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 18:09 UTC
Roles - role IDENTS were established for authorized users to "Act As" when fulfilling particular roles. For example in the Augment group the customer service 'desk' which provided Feedback to user queries, had the ident FEED, was manned in a rotating fashion in the customer service group. When acting as FEED any Augment email you sent was From:FEED, all augment email set To:FEED landed in FEED's email inbox. I do not recall whose IDENT was used in Statement signatures while 'acting as' that Role - the individual's or the role's
CE CE 2024-02-24 - 18:16 UTC
Groups - a Group IDENT included IDENT members. For example there could be a group IDENT for the dev group , one for the User Service group, etc. Group IDENTs are for mail distribution and privacy access, not Statement Signatures